Minister Lalanne's opening address at the Vision 2033
August 05, 2019
Your Excellency, President Danny Faure
Mr Speaker, Honourable Prea
Designated Minister, Mrs Macsuzy Mondon
Colleague Ministers
Honourable Members of the National Assembly
Distinguished representatives of the development community
Ladies and gentlemen,
A good morning to you all.
I am imbued with immense pleasure and honour in welcoming you all to today’s event. A momentous occasion, as it sees the formal launch of the two most important strategic documents for our common future as a nation.
Allow me firstly, to bid a warm welcome to the representatives of our valued development partners. Your presence amongst us today, is testimony of the significance we mutually attribute to our relationship, and is much appreciated.
For the support you have provided to us over the years across many sectors and issues, it is fitting that you be well represented at such a historic event for Seychelles; The launching of the National Long Term Vision of Seychelles – Vision 2033 and the National Development Strategy 2019-2023
These two development blue prints which we will launch in a short while, translate the desires of the people of Seychelles to enjoy a higher quality of life through the process of transformation of our country.
They are the products of a protracted and inclusive exercise of national consultations, over more than two years. This nationwide visioning exercise touched all corners of our archipelago and all segments of our population, to ensure as much as possible, universal coverage.
Through the series of consultations, we have received thousands of inputs and perspectives of the Seychellois people, reflecting the kind of Seychelles we want for our children and ourselves in 2033.
These two documents thus represent two tiers of the development trajectory of our island-nation over the foreseeable future.
While, Vision 2033 captures our national aspirations; the National Development Strategy (NDS) charts the path that we need to embark on to achieve the targets and deliver on our aspirations.
Being for the next 15 years, Vision 2033 will be achieved through implementation of a series of three, five year National Development Strategies, the NDS 2019 -2023, which we shall launch today, being the first.
The NDS is a plan for a sustainable and inclusive future for the Seychellois people and it sets the agenda for the next five years
The NDS shall henceforth be Government’s overarching development plan, which stipulates the medium term strategic direction, development priorities and implementation strategies.
The development of sector policies and plans will now be formulated by the sector stakeholders, to be in close alignment to the National Development Strategy.
As a high income country, Seychelles development agenda will have to be largely financed domestically. This calls for a renewed effort for us to embrace the four pillars of results based management. Today we have our ‘planning’ documents, which in turn will guide our budgetary expenditures and this will have to be properly monitored and evaluated with individual performances being key.
It is over a year since I assumed office as Minister for Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning and it has been a gratifying experience working with the stakeholders. Together we have collectively sought to address Seychelles’ development challenges.
Your support has been unflinching, and going by my experiences as an indication of your commitment, I am confident that together we will make great strides in accomplishing the vision of making Seychelles “ A resilient, responsible and prosperous nation of healthy, educated and empowered Seychellois living together in harmony with nature and engaged with the wider world “.
Vision 2033 is a national effort aimed at transforming our country.
It is a plan for our collective future and it is up to all of us to make it work.
Successful implementation of the series of NDS will ensure achievement of the country’s development aspirations.
Since they have also been accordingly aligned, successful implementation will also contribute towards the realization of our global and regional commitments as enshrined in the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the SIDS’ SAMOA pathway.
Ladies and gentlemen, today’s event underscores the commitment of President Faure’s Government to establishing a well-defined vision and development plan to be implemented through clear programs, projects and activities that will drive the transformation of our country into a vibrant and all-inclusive society which will be a gem in tomorrow’s globalized world.
The plan that we are about to hand over today is about the actions that all of us must take to secure the future envisioned in our Constitution.
People of Seychelles, your wishes, as expressed through the multiple consultation sessions, have been listened to.
They are now spelled out in Vision 2033 which the Government will deliver on through the National Development Strategies. Therefore, the launching of these plans, now, symbolizes the striking of a deal between the people of Seychelles and its government.
Before I conclude, I would like to acknowledge that this Vision and Plan could not have been formulated and finalized without the invaluable input and contributions of the people of Seychelles. The participation from all sections of society enabled us to collect a wealth of information which has formed the basis of the documents.
I therefore take this opportunity to thank all and everyone who have contributed to the formulation of Vision 2033 and the National Development Plan 2019 2023. Your contributions have been greatly appreciated.
I shall also thank President Faure for the guidance provided in the process to ensure that the wellbeing of the Seychellois people has remained at the core of the exercise and the plan.
I cannot miss on also thanking the staff of my Ministry, especially the staff of the Department of Economic Planning for their enthusiasm in overseeing the consultations and formulation of these important documents. Your dedication and perseverance have been commendable.
Congratulations on a job well done.
Finally, in ending, I would like to call on everyone to work with us in the implementation of this plan so that we may turn Seychelles into and I repeat.
“A resilient, responsible and prosperous nation of healthy, educated and empowered Seychellois living together in harmony with nature and engaged with the wider world “.
I thank you for your kind attention.