New revision of excise tax applicable on hybrid motor vehicles
June 06, 2017
The new applicable excise rates on hybrid motor vehicles, which will be applicable as of 16th June, 2017.
This will be as follows:
- Hybrid motor vehicles not exceeding 1600cc- 12.5%
- Hybrid motor vehicles greater than or equal to 1600cc but not exceeding 2000cc- 37.5%
- Hybrid motor vehicles greater than or equal to 2000cc but not exceeding 2500cc- 75%
- Hybrid motor vehicles greater than or equal to 2500cc- 100%
All other taxes on hybrid motor vehicles remain unchanged.
The Ministry of Finance, Trade and Economic Planning would also like to indicate that taxes payable on all Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) powered motor vehicles will be the same as that which is applicable on conventional motor vehicles.
In his budget speech given on 9th December, 2016 it was announced by Minister Peter Larose, the Minister for Finance, Trade and Economic Planning that the excise tax on all hybrid motor vehicles would be increased. Excise tax on hybrid motor vehicles is currently at 5% on all hybrid motor vehicles.