
Supplementary Estimate for 2022 is approved

September 29, 2022

A Supplementary Estimate of SCR 472,807,404.81 was approved by the National Assembly in its Wednesday 28th September session.

The Supplementary Estimate is a re-allocation of about half of the total sum, which has been cut from the 2022 initial budget, which is SCR 887,451,324.04.

The two main re-allocation of funds are for the Heath Care Agency (SCR 109.617 million) and Subvention to State Owned Enterprise (SCR123.75 million).

The Department of Agriculture is being provided with SCR73.11 million, for its subvention programme to farmers.

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACCS) is getting a further SCR63.615 million to assist with the commission’s investigations.

For more on how the sum has been re-allocated, click on the link below.

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